PRIME: Protecting irregular migrants in Europe: institutions, interests and policies



Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom


01/04/2023 to 31/03/2026


How national institutions shape the rights and conditions of irregular migrants.

Project Outcomes

– Research on how national institutions shape the living conditions of irregular migrants across Europe.

– Insights into how to develop contextualised and more effective policy responses. 

Highlighted Publications and Tools

      1. Blog post – Irregular migrants in Europe: Why national institutions matter for conditions and policy
      2. Blog post – Why do we use the term ‘irregular migration’ and can it be translated? 
      3. Blog post – Made in Italy: is excellence without exploitation possible?


Martin Ruhs, Professor of Migration Studies and Deputy Director of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC), European University Institute 


  • Migration Policy Centre (EUI)
  • University of Warsaw
  • Mixed Migration Centre
  • Uppsala University
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Zagreb
  • University of St.Gallen


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