MIGNEX: Aligning migration management and the migration-development nexus



Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Afghanistan, Cabo Verde, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Tunisia, Turkey


1 September 2018 –

31 August 2024


Mapping the linkages between development and migration.

Project Outcomes

  • The drivers of migration are remarkably inconsistent. Factors that help explain migration from a birds-eye perspective across communities are often insignificant in many specific contexts. 
  • Development policies should not exclusively focus on migration management, but also maximise the potential benefits of migration for development. 
  • This could be achieved through remittances, the opening of regular labour migration pathways or by supporting diaspora engagement. 
  • A more comprehensive approach to migration policy should include non-EU countries, and it should view their development as a valuable outcome. 

Highlighted Publications and Tools


Jørgen Carling, Research Professor in Migration Studies, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)



  • Peace Research Institute Oslo
  • Danube University Krems
  • University of Ghana; Koç University
  • Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Maastricht University
  • ODI
  • University of Oxford


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