MAGYC: Migration governance and asylum crises



Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

France, Sweden, Slovakia, Türkiye, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Italy, Tunisia, Syria, Eritrea, Niger, Libya, Greece, Yemen, Nigeria


1 November 2018 –

30 April 2023


How the ‘refugee crisis’ impacted EU policymaking and practices.

Key Findings

  • Migration crises’ are often perceived as temporary phenomena, but they can also be influenced by structural factors (e.g. economic, environmental). 
  • Future EU policies to reduce irregular migration should include the creation of legal migration channels and ensure access to asylum.
  • While national and local governments are often unable or reluctant to manage the reception, settlement and integration of refugees and asylum seekers, civil society actors play an essential role in this field. 
  • Local communities (municipalities, grassroots organisations, etc.) should be enabled to play a more active role in designing allocation policies, managing housing, and facilitating integration.
  • Access to private sector funding could support integration policies by public authorities to integrate the migrant population into the Greek labour market. 

Highlighted Publications and Tools

  • Synthesis Report – recommendations on the influence of migration crises on policy responses
  • Infographics – Representing migration in times of crisis 


Francois Gemenne, Director, Hugo Observatory, University of Liège


  • Hugo Observatory, University of Liège
  • German Institute of Global and Area Studies GIGA
  • Lunds universitet LUCSUS
  • University of Milano UNIMI
  • Sciences Po - C.E.R.I.
  • IDMC Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
  • Sabancı Üniversitesi
  • EUBA University of Economics in Bratislava
  • UoM University of Macedonia
  • IFPO - Institute Francais Proche Orient
  • LAU Lebanese American University
  • SOAS University of London 


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