GAPs: De-centring the study of migrant returns and readmission policies in Europe and beyond

gaps project


Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Niger, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Poland, Sweden, the Netherlands


1 May 2023 – 
30 April 2026


Analysis of EU returns governance and its implications for migrants 

Project Outcomes

  • Creation of a data Repository, including qualitative and quantitative data on national return regimes.
  • Analysis of how EU return policy is interpreted and implemented in the member states.
  • Analysis of return prospects of refugees to Syria: despite an end to warfare in most areas, safe return remains unattainable. The Syrian regime and other military actors continue to pose severe threats to the lives and survival of Syrians, including returnees. 

Highlighted Publications and Tools


Önver A. Cetrez, Professor of Psychology of Religion and Cultural Psychology, Uppsala University


  • Uppsala University (Sweden)
  • Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (Germany)
  • Swedish Research Institute in İstanbul (SRII)
  • Radboud University (Netherlands)
  • Hammurabi Human Rights Organisation (Iraq)
  • The Hashemite University (Jordan)
  • National Centre for Social Research (Greece)
  • Association Migration Internationale (Morocco)
  • Ryerson University (Canada)
  • The University of Glasgow (UK)
  • University of Nigeria, Nsukka (Nigeria)
  • Bilim Research and Social Studies (Afghanistan)
  • Migration Matters (Germany)
  • University of Warsaw (Poland)
  • Science-Policy Interface Agency (Germany)
  • University of Soulusse (Tunisia)


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