MATILDE: Migration impact assessment to enhance integration and local development in European rural and mountain areas
The local impact of migration in rural and mountain regions....
The local impact of migration in rural and mountain regions....
How the refugee crisis impacted EU policymaking and practices....
In this Engagement Short, we share some of our engagement strategies to maximise the impact of the project “Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy” (QuantMig). These strategies are clustered around six main themes, which we discuss in turn: including impact in the design...
A new learning method for inclusive and cohesive education....
A digital database of migration narratives, documents and archival sources for researchers, practitioners, policy makers and migrants....
An interactive dashboard to measure the integration of migrant children....
Policy options and public interventions to improve the living conditions of undocumented migrants and their families. ...
Mapping, understanding and forecasting changing migration flows....
Comparable data and evidence on the interrelations between climate change, human mobility, and policy responses....
An assessment of labour market inequalities of migrants and minorities in Europe....