OPPORTUNITIES: Crises as opportunities: towards a level telling field on migration and a new narrative of successful integration



Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Germany, Hungary, Ghana, Mauritania, Senegal


01/03/2021 to 28/02/2025


“Cross-talk” experiments to create new narratives of migration and integration in local communities.

Key Findings

– There is no evidence of a long-term decline in positive attitudes toward migration following the 2015-16 ‘refugee crisis’.

– Statistical analyses also found no clear correlation between the number of immigrants received by a country or its economic difficulties and anti-migrant sentiment.

However, survey analyses highlighted clear differences between member states when it comes to views on migration.

A comparative analysis of Twitter accounts by political parties in four European member states (Austria, Germany, Hungary, and Italy) confirms that the debate between the political left and the political right increasingly centers on the pros and cons of immigration.

– Media narratives privilege the scale of regional or national debates at the expense of migrants’ experience or global phenomena. In particular, journalists or NGOs working with refugees and migrants across Europe tend to resort to “vicarious storytelling”, i.e. the practice of speaking on behalf of others.

– A new narrative on migration requires a fair dialogue which involves migrants, citizens, and stakeholders on an equal footing.

Highlighted Publications and Tools

1. Policy brief – cross-country comparison of media consumption and attitudes towards migration

2. Policy brief – perceptions and communication patterns on migration  

3. Policy Statement – recommendations for journalists

4. “Cross-talk” methodology – how to re-enact migration experiences during public events


Michel Debruyne, Senior Adviseer, beweging.net


  • Beweging.net, Belgium
  • Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany
  • Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità Di Accoglienza Associazione, Italy
  • Cooperativa Lotta Contro L'emarginazione Cooperativa Sociale Onlus Societa Cooperativa Sociale, Italy
  • Polo9 Società Cooperativa Sociale -Impresa Sociale, Italy
  • Groupe De Recherche Et De Realisations Pour Le Developpement Rural, France
  • Internationales Forschungszentrum Fuer Soziale Und Ethische Fragen, Austria
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
  • Fundatia The Open Network For Community Development, Romania
  • Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza Portugal Associacao, Portugal
  • University Of Ghana, Ghana
  • Universite Gaston Berger De Saint Louis, Senegal
  • Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Universiteit Gent, Belgium
  • Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, Belgium


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