MORE: Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives



Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Spain, Italy, Belgium, Slovenia, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom


1 October 2023 –

30 September 2026


In-depth ethnographic analysis of return and readmission policies.

Project Outcomes

  • Analysis of public opinion on return and readmission policies. 
  • In-depth analysis of return and readmission policies, including their motivations, rationale, and implementation.
  • Ethnographic assessment of the consequences of return and readmission policies from the perspectives of migrants living in situations of irregularity.


Olga Jubany, Full Professor, Social Anthropology Department, Universitat de Barcelona



  • University of Barcelona
  • University Ca' Foscari Venice
  • Free University Brussels
  • Platform for Undocumented Migrants in Europe
  • Mirovski Institute Slovenia
  • Social Action and Innovation Centre Greece
  • Red Barnet Denmark, Linkopings University
  • Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
  • Centre for European Policy Studies
  • COMPAS University of Oxford


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