HABITABLE: Linking climate change, habitability and social tipping points: scenarios for climate migration

climate change


Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Africa, Asia, Europe


1 September 2020 –

31 August 2024



Comparable data and evidence on the interrelations between climate change, human mobility, and policy responses.

Key Findings

  • By affecting countries’ GDP per capita, climate change indirectly influences migration flows.  
  • Specifically, climate change leads to economic losses in many regions, which subsequently impact bilateral migration flows. Climate change tends to increase migration within and between wealthier countries while suppressing migration from and within poorer regions. This dual effect highlights the complex interplay between economic factors and migration in the context of climate change.
  • The impacts of climate change on migration are multifaceted and depend on a country’s context. In one country, climate change-induced decreases in GDP per capita might lead to greater emigration, while in another, poorer country, it might lead to decreased emigration.
  • Climate adaptation policies and mechanisms can intervene and potentially alter these migration patterns. 

Highlighted Publications and Tools

  • Synthesis Report – scenarios of future disaster-induced internal displacement under climate change  
  • Policy Brief – how to tackle climate migration and human rights in tandem 
  • Policy Brief – insights from Ethiopia on human mobility in the context of climate change, disasters, and environmental degradation
  • Indicators – Multi-sectoral climate-related hazards indicators 


Francois Gemenne, Director, Hugo Observatory, University of Liège


  • University of Liège (The Hugo Observatory)
  • University of Vienna
  • University of Exeter
  • Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), Geneva
  • Lund University, Centre for Sustainable Studies (LUCSUS)
  • Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Political Sciences
  • adelphi, Paris, France
  • University of Ghana
  • CARE France
  • University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation Enschede, The Netherlands
  • University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar Senegal
  • The French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
  • Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Pretoria, South Africa
  • UNESCO, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
  • Raks Thai Foundation (RTF) Bangkok, Thailand
  • Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
  • Institut National de la Statistique(INSTAT) Bamako, Mali
  • Samuel Hall Kabul, Afghanistan
  • University of York


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