REFUGE-ED: Effective practices in education, mental health and psychosocial support for the integration of refugee children
Horizon Europe
Geographic focus
Sweden, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria
1 January 2021 –
31 December 2023
The go-to source to learn about evidence-based practices in education and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for children.
Key Findings
Collection and dissemination of educational and MHPSS resources and best practices through user-friendly channels.
Elaboration of a comprehensive MHPSS approach to be integrated into educational policies. This approach aims to enhance children’s well-being and help them to develop socio-emotional skills, leading to improved educational outcomes.
Promotion of inclusive co-creation through the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, including children, educators, families, and policymakers, in co-creation processes.
Implementation of structured language learning and anti-discrimination practices in educational settings to ensure safe and inclusive spaces for refugee children and their families
Highlighted Publications and Tools
Brokering Knowledge Platform– a one-stop shop for practical evidence, resources and tools for people working with children from a migratory background