NEW ABC: Networking the educational world: across boundaries for community-building



Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Italy, United Kingdom, Finland, Cyprus, Poland, France, Portugal, Belgium, Spain


1/1/2021 to 31/08/2024



Activities for the educational, cultural and social inclusion of immigrant children.

Project Outcomes

– Co-creation of nine pilot projects involving youth, children, teachers and other stakeholders to improve the inclusion of migrant children and youth in education. 

– Creation of the Science Shop, a platform where education professionals can submit their questions and concerns related to the inclusion of migrant and vulnerable children and receive advice from the New ABC network.

Highlighted Publications and Tools


Rachele Antonini, Associate Professor, Translation and Interpretation Department, University of Bologna


  •  Università di Bologna
  • Open University
  • Università di Torino
  • University of Jyväskylä
  • SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Ltd
  • Stowarzyszenie INTERKULTURALNI PL
  • Combo
  • Univeristy of Porto
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • Active Citizen Europe
  • Elhuyar
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • União dos Refugiados em Portugal


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