FOCUS: Forced displacement & refugee-host community solidarity



Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Jordan, Croatia, Germany, Sweden


1 January 2019 – 

30 June 2022


How psychological and social factors influence integration. 

Project Outcomes

  • The socio-psychological dimension of integration is a combination of different indicators of how the arriving and receiving communities “live well together”.
  • Arriving communities across all four countries considered showed positive attitudes towards receiving communities while receiving communities had neutral to moderately positive attitudes.
  • The FOCUS Approach highlights key steps to promote trust and reciprocity, social connectedness, wellbeing, resilience and a sense of belonging of all community members. This approach focuses on dynamic integration as a practical framework to foster social bonds and connections among arriving and receiving communities. 

Highlighted Publications and Tools


Sabina Dziadecka Gråbæk, Senior Project Manager, Danish Red Cross 


  • IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (PS Centre), Denmark (Coordinator)
  • AND Consulting Group (AND), Brussels
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (FFZG)
  • Malmö University (MAU)
  • Center for Strategic Studies (CSS)
  • University of Jordan
  • Charité University Medicine Berlin
  • Humboldt University (HU)
  • The Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research (BIM at HU)
  • Q4 Public Relations (Q4), Ireland
  • Danish Red Cross (DRC)


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