DIGNITYFIRM: Dignity for migrant workers in farm to fork labour markets

dignity firm


Horizon Europe

Geographic focus

Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Morocco, Ukraine


1 April 2023 –

31 March 2026 


How to improve the living and working conditions of migrant workers in agriculture and the food industry. 

Project Outcomes

  • Despite their vital role in the agri-food sector, (irregular) migrant workers often face poor and exploitative working conditions and have largely been overlooked.
  • Measures addressing the needs of farmers and ensuring adequate protection for agricultural workers, including (irregular) migrant workers, will be indispensable to achieving sustainability and resilience.
  • Targeted measures for migrant workers include the protection-sensitive implementation and enforcement of relevant labour standards, as well as efforts to address structural conditions leading to irregularity.
  • Achieving sustainability and resilience will also require enhanced efforts to address the uneven distribution of wealth in the supply chain, boosting farmers’ competitiveness and strengthening their position vis-à-vis downstream actors

Highlighted Publications and Tools

Policy Brief – recommendations on food security, sustainability and the rights of migrant workers for the next EU policy cycle


Tesseltje de Lange, Professor of Sociology of Law and Migration Law, Radbound University 


  • Stichting Radboud Universiteit
  • European Policy Centre
  • Forum Internazionale Ed Europeo Di Ricerche Sull'immigrazione (FIERI)
  • Centre D'informacio I Documentacio Internacionals a Barcelona (CIDOB)
  • Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Universitaet Bielefeld
  • Coalizione Italiana Per Le Libertae I Diritti E Civili (Cild)
  • Platform For International Cooperation On Undocumented Migrants (PICUM)
  • Universite Ibnou Zohr A Agadir
  • Europe Without Barriers


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